Alert Me


What is Alert Me and how does it work?

  • Alert Me is a notification system that alerts you via SMS text the next time your selected advisor is available and free to take readings (not busy or offline). 
  • The SMS text message alert provides a link to the advisor’s profile page where you can connect for a reading.
  • You can have a maximum of 5 active alert requests for 5 advisors at a time.
  • Only one alert text is sent per request, so you will be notified only the very next time your advisor becomes available for call, chat, or both. After that, the alert request will expire.
  • Alert requests expire automatically after 14 days if your advisor has not come online in that time. You will receive an email to let you know that the alert has expired.
  • You can remove or reset alert requests through your Alert Me List.
  • Alert Me will not reserve an advisor for you. It will only notify you the next time your advisor is available.
  • Alert Me does not guarantee that your advisor will be available when you get to their profile page. Whoever can connect to the advisor first after receiving the Alert Me notification will most likely get a reading.

Who can use Alert Me?

  • Because the feature uses SMS, you must have a phone number in your Keen profile to use Alert Me; you can add a phone number in the Phone Numbers and Time Zone section of your Personal Information page.
  • You must also enable Transactional SMS Alerts on the Notification Settings section of your Personal Information page.
  • Only US phone numbers are supported for Alert Me at this time.
  • Alert Me can be used on your web browser or mobile browser; it is not yet available in the Keen app.

How do I set up an alert?

  • Alert requests can be enabled from your advisor’s profile page, just look for the Alert Me bell icon! It will appear in green when it is not yet enabled, and turn magenta once turned on.

How do I find and manage my list of requested alerts?

  • All your alert requests can be managed in the Alert Me List, which can be accessed via the drop down menu under the bell icon at the top right of your My Keen page.
  • In your Alert Me List, you’ll find tabs for Active Alerts and Inactive Alerts.
  • To remove a requested alert from the Active Alerts list, click the magenta bell icon to the right of the advisor’s information; this alert request will then move to the Inactive Alerts tab.
  • To reactivate an expired alert request from the Inactive Alerts tab, click the green bell icon on the right; this alert request will then move back to the Active Alerts list.
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