SMS Alerts

What is an SMS Alert?

An SMS Alert is more commonly known as a text message. It is a message sent to your cell phone by Keen. 


Are SMS Alerts free?

Messaging and data rates may apply to the SMS Alerts you receive. Any charges are coming from your cell phone service provider. Keen does not charge for sending an SMS alert.


What is the difference between Transactional and Promotional SMS Alerts?

Transactional SMS Alerts include Ping and the Arrange a Chat feature. 

Promotional SMS Alerts include offer, survey, and/or event notifications.


How do I sign up for SMS Alerts? 

The best way to subscribe to SMS Alerts is through the Notification Settings tab within the Personal Information section of your My Keen account. Under Notification Settings, select "Enable Transactional SMS Alerts" and/or "Enable Promotional SMS Alerts". Confirm that the phone number listed is where you want to receive SMS Alerts, and click the "Enable SMS" button. 

Please note: your subscription preference for Transactional and Promotional SMS Alerts are not connected. You must subscribe or unsubscribe from each option.


When will I receive an SMS from Keen?

After you subscribe to SMS Alerts, you will begin receiving messages. Messaging frequency varies. 

The default timezone for SMS Alerts is Pacific Standard Time. If you reside in a different timezone, you can customize your timezone in the Phone Numbers and Time Zone tab within the Personal Information section of your My Keen account.


How do I unsubscribe from SMS?

There are two ways to unsubscribe from SMS Alerts: 

  1. Through the Notification Settings tab within the Personal Information section of your My Keen account.
  2. By responding STOP to any SMS Alert you have received from Keen.

Please note: You will receive a final SMS Alert confirming that you have been unsubscribed.


Can I use a different phone number for SMS Alerts?

Promotional SMS Alerts can only send to the phone number listed in the "Cell" field in the Phone Numbers and Time Zone tab of the Personal Information section in your My Keen account.

Transactional SMS Alerts can be sent to multiple phone numbers under the Phone Numbers and Time Zone tab in the Personal Information section.


I live outside the United States of America, can I still receive SMS Alerts?

We currently do not have the ability to send Transactional or Promotional SMS Alerts to international customers.

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