Availability Manager

The My Availability section on your Advisor Dashboard is one of the most important sections to advisors as it allows customers to see if you are online or busy. It’s important to make sure your My Availability section is updated so customers know when you are ready to connect for a conversation. 

How do I go Online?

When setting your availability, the buttons on your listing(s) are automatically updated for customers to select. 


Your availability manager is also the place to change the phone number we call you at. Any changes made to your availability will launch the Call and Chat Monitor. 


What are the different availability statuses I can use?

Keen currently offers 3 different availability statuses. Currently, the status will reflect across all your listings. Please note we currently do not offer a way of only being online for a certain listing. 


Taking Calls

When you’re ready to take readings, you’ll switch your availability to “Taking Calls”. This will update all your listings to online and update our system to start showing your listings on our category pages. When you’re in this status, customers will be able to reach you immediately or will start your arranged call queue if you have one. Here's what your call button will look like when you're in Taking Calls.


taking calls with schedule.png


Arrange Calls

When you're in this status, customers can line up to speak with you when you’re online next or set an appointment. To do either, you must enable callbacks, appointments, or both which can be done in the Manage Call Backs and Appointments button at the bottom of the Availability Manager. You won't receive phone alerts in this status, but you will receive email alerts when customers get in line for a callback or request an appointment. All requests will be shown in your Arranged Conversations page.


Keen currently does not have an option to toggle Arrange Chats. At this time, customers may only arrange a chat if they are currently busy on another chat. Arranged calls and appointments can be set when you are busy or offline, just remember to check your settings!



When you're Offline, customers won't be able to reach you immediately. Depending on your settings, customers can arrange a callback, request an appointment, or by default, will suggest they send you a Mail message, and you can have an auto-reply set up to send when customers write to you. When you're both Offline or in the Arrange Call status, here is what your listing will look like. 

offline with schedule.png



While the busy status is not one you can select as your availability, you will see your account go into Busy when a customer has clicked on the call/chat now button or has arranged a callback with you. The purpose of the busy status is to prevent multiple customers from trying to reach you at the same time so you’re not interrupted while on an active reading. For more information about the Busy status, please see our Verify Busy Status article.


How can I test my line?

The Availability Manager offers several options to test your own line and settings.


Test Sound

This button is to test the incoming Keen chat request notification. The notification will play once. 


Test Call

This will push a call to your primary phone number on your account. You will then be prompted to press “1” like on a normal call with a customer, to verify your phone number. This is a great way of making sure your settings are set correctly to be able to receive Keen calls. If you’re having issues with verifying your phone number, please see the troubleshooting steps in the Unable to Take Calls article. 


Test Voice to Text

This button will launch a fake chat so you can test voice to text for easier chatting. You’ll receive instructions on how to use this feature in the chat that pops up. Please note that Keen uses the voice to text feature available through the browser you’re using. Any issues that arise with using voice to text should be troubleshooted within your browser. 


Availability Manager

The Availability Manager is where to go to customize your settings for each availability status. 



Here you'll see your current preferences for each status. You can edit these preferences without changing to that status! You can stay in status "Taking Calls," for instance, while editing your preferences for your "Offline" status. This is where you’ll be able to set your preferences for taking Appointents or Arranged Call Backs. Please remember to check the settings for each availability status, (offline, online, arrange calls) as updating one does not update all! 


Change Status

If you are experiencing issues being stuck in busy status, use this tool to check and clear your status.



If you have regular hours you take calls at, or you want to provide your customers with more visibility when you may be online,  you can create a set schedule that will display on your listings. This helps customers know when to expect you online to connect with you.



Here is where you can view and change your phone numbers, time zone,  and enable schedule reminder calls if you’ve opted into syncing your availability with your schedule, and set an auto-reply message. 





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