Verify Busy Status
Your account is marked as busy when you are either connecting to a new Call/Chat or are actively speaking with a customer. This is so you will not receive any other Calls or Chats while you are in a reading.
On the Call/Chat monitor, messaging is provided informing when you are currently reserved. Reserved messaging provides insight on a customer's current action while trying to connect with you. Keen allows up to two minutes for a customer to prepare and initiate a session once selecting to speak with you. During this time a customer may be adding funds before they connect and in some cases, may decide not to go through with the session at all.Advisors can always verify their status and remove the busy reservation as needed from their account easily through their dashboard. To do this, go to My Keen and select Verify Busy Status in the My Availability section.
How an advisor status changes to busy
Advisor Locking
If you are busy due to a customer connecting with you, a message will display to allow time for your status to automatically clear.
Advisor Locking is a feature that temporarily reserves an advisor while a customer is preparing to connect after clicking the Call/Chat Now Button on your listing. This allows time for the customer to confirm their number or add more funds before starting the conversation with you. If you see you are busy but don’t see an incoming call, you will get the following message if a customer is in the process of initiating a call with you:
If you are busy due to a customer connecting with you, a message will display to allow time for your status to automatically clear. If the customer does not initiate the call after two minutes of hold time, your busy status will be automatically cleared.
Stuck on Busy Error
If you have confirmed your last conversation has ended and your busy status message says your last conversation is still active, your availability may be out of sync and stuck on busy.
Changing your status manually
To verify and change your status: go to My Keen > Select Details next to My Availability to open up your Availability Manager > Select the Change Status tab.
Click Verify Busy Status to check your status. It will either display that:
1. Your status is clear and is Not Busy
2. Your status is Busy on a conversation. Click the link provided to clear your status.
DO NOT reset your busy status when your monitor is ringing or active on a Call or Chat – this can result in issues such as:
- Being shown as available when you are in a conversation, which can result in another customer attempting to contact you during your active conversation
- Disconnecting the active conversation
- Inability to connect to the incoming Call/Chat request
- Technical issues during or after the conversation