
The most frequently asked question from our customers is when their Advisor will be online next. We strongly encourage use of the Schedule feature so that customers will know when you're available! Customers are shown a disclaimer that says schedules are based on your availability and are subject to change with or without notice. 

Benefits of publishing your Schedule:

  • Customers gain transparency on their favorite or prospective Advisors' usual availability so that they can plan to make themselves available accordingly
  • Advisors gain more business as customers align their schedules to connect with their desired Advisor
  • Keen is able to provide a valuable and improved customer experience
  • Increase connections overall
  • Now synchronizing your Schedule with customer Appointment time slots


How do I set my Schedule?

To set your schedule, please visit the Schedule page available under your call and chat monitor on your Advisor dashboard. You’ll need to select the “Edit” button to add a new schedule. By default, when you create a new schedule, all days will be set to offline. 

Empty Schedule.png

Schedule Editor - Empty.png

To add in your availability, select the day of the week by clicking on the box. Once selected, you’ll see a drop-down menu to add in your times. If you want to include several sets of hours you’ll be online during the day, you can select the “+ “ button to add in more time slots. If you’ve added too many time slots, select the trash can icon to delete the chosen time slot. 


If you would like to be available overnight you will need to add two blocks of time. For example, if you wish to be available from 6 PM Monday night until 6 AM Tuesday morning, you will need to select "Monday" from "6:00 PM" to "12:00 AM", click OK, and then "Add another block of time" for Tuesday 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM.


Schedule Editor - Editting.png

Please note that you cannot set your availability for the same hour. The start time must be earlier than the end time. 

Schedule Editor - Error.png


Don’t forget to Save your Schedule! Once you’ve added your availability, make sure you click the “Save” button located at the bottom of the page.

Schedule Preview and Confirm - Successful Snackbar.png


The next page will show a visual preview of your schedule.

Schedule Preview.png

Once saved, your schedule will automatically show on all your listings. Here's how it will show on your listings. 

Screenshot 2024-01-31 113621.png


Can I sync my availability with my Schedule?

Our Schedule feature allows Advisors to opt in/out of automatically syncing their availability with their set schedule. Please note that currently, only your call availability will automatically update to reflect your schedule but will not update your chat availability. 

Schedule Editor - sync toggle.png

What do I need to do so clients can Schedule Appointments? 

We have revamped our Appointments feature!  Advisors must have a Schedule to receive Appointment requests and ensure it is up to date as you will need to set your Working Hours and Offline Hours. Read more about Appointments and Arranged Calls.

Still have a question? Contact us!

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