How to Prepare for a Great Reading

In this article, we will offer up tips to ensure a great first reading with a customer. By implementing the tips below, customers are more likely to come back to you in a shorter timeframe which means you'll be climbing up the LQS ladder in no time. 


Before a reading

  • Find your center
    • This is really advice for anyone on their way to work, but it's true that we show up better for those around us when we carve out the time we need for ourselves. Before beginning the day and starting readings, do something for you that makes you feel centered and clears your mind. That may look like yoga, a fresh breakfast, or even a walk around the neighborhood. Whatever that is for you, take the time each time to start your day on the right foot.
  • Set up your space
    • Before you begin for the day, check your surroundings and make sure you have all your tools handy. As Marie Kondo would say, "tidying orders and relaxing the mind" so make sure your workspace is organized with your materials ready to go. The last thing you want is to be fumbling to find the full deck of cards in the beginning of a tarot reading. No matter how you prepare your space the rule of thumb is the less distraction, the better so you can focus on your customer's questions. 


During the reading

  • Introduce yourself and your style
    • Customers may be newer to psychic advice, or just unfamiliar with your unique style of reading, so it's important to let them know how you do things right away. Advisors who establish expectations at the beginning of a session report higher satisfaction ratings from customers. For example, briefly explain the tools you use, the information you need, or your mechanism of connecting to a higher power that guides you. 
  • Release judgment
    • At times you may encounter sensitive topics or people who choose a different lifestyle than you. While certain topics are always off limits on Keen, we know that customers may bring up things within our guidelines that go against your personal beliefs. Do your best to remove your personal bias from your readings. While it is always your choice to do business with a customer or not, we hope you'll strive to give a great first reading every time with a service mindset. 
  • Make it interactive
    • Don't be afraid to show your personality and to get the customer involved in your reading. Ask clarifying questions, guide them through a meditation or other tool, crack a pun if that's your thing. Connecting is more than just the advice you give, but the way you involve your customer in the process so that they feel part of creating the experience with you. 
  • Show your support
    • Those seeking your guidance are likely at a crossroads in life or are dealing with deeply emotional topics. Simply letting a customer know that you are here for them provides a sense of relief that they are not alone. Customers are looking for an advisor they can bond with and feel comfortable sharing intimate details of their life with. Establishing trust is important for the beginning of any relationship. 
  • End on a good note
    • Use the one-minute-remaining warning to your advantage as customers may not always be able to add more funds or take additional time to continue the reading. This is your opportunity to complete your answer and invite the customer to reach back out and let you know how the situation goes or for you to help with future advice. It's always a good idea to make the conversation feel like it has a rounded ending versus leaving it with an abrupt stop. We know this may not always be possible so having a strategy to follow-up after a reading is always a good idea. 

After a reading

  • Send a personal message
    • Customers are more receptive to speaking with an advisor again when they feel a connection. One way to showcase that you care is by sending a personalized Mail or Ping message after a conversation. You'll want to send your follow-up within the first 24 hours of a conversation, but we recommend sending out a batch of personal messages at the end of the day while readings are still fresh in your mind. By adding in a note that was specific to their reading, you're more likely to catch a customer's attention and hear from them again. 
  • Offer free minutes to your favorites
    • Did you have a customer that spent several minutes with you? How about a customer who ran out of time before your full answer? You may try sending free minutes to customers you liked or that you think could benefit from some extra time with you. Keep in mind that free minutes are more likely to be used if they are accompanied with a personal message relevant to that customer.
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