Featured Listings

Featured Listings is a marketing tool advisors can use to promote their listing(s) to increase visibility and reach more customers on Keen. This auction-based, pay-per-click system allows advisors to bid for a higher placement on the Featured Advisors sort within the category of the listing selected to feature. 

All advisor listings are shown in the Featured Advisors sort within the listing’s specific category. In the event no advisors are bidding, the Best Available and Featured Advisors sorts will have the same online and available advisors in identical positions for that category. Advisors can choose to bid and move up positions within the Featured Advisors sort only. All advisors will still be visible in their default position based on their Listing Quality Score (LQS) within the Best Available sort. View Listing Quality Score (LQS) for information on how this positioning is determined. 


Featuring Your Listing

Featured listings are only applicable for listings that have a 3.5-star rating or higher. This means brand new listings or listings that have been inactive for over a year won't be able to take part in bidding. Each listing is assigned a Listing Quality Score (LQS) which indicates its position within a sort. You can see the current position of your listings before bidding. The amount you need to bid to move a listing up to a higher position fluctuates based on the number of other advisors online and who else is currently bidding. Bidding is always optional and you can adjust your bid amount to be charged per qualified customer click at any time. 


As you start bidding, you may want to start conservatively and evaluate your performance often to see what is working for you and on which listings. It isn't always necessary to bid for the top slot to get noticed. Many advisors successfully generate leads with bids of just a few dollars. Try bidding on different listings too to see how many new customers you can get in different categories for the same price. Since some categories are more saturated than others, for example, Love and Relationships, you may be able to get more business for less money in more niche categories. 


How to feature a listing:

  1. Visit My Account page
  2. Select Feature My Listings under the My Listings header
  3. If you have more than one listing, select the category of the listing you would like to feature
  4. Enter the maximum bid amount you want to be charged per qualified click. Use the Historical Bid section for an idea of how much to bid in order to land within a range of positions for that listing. Keep in mind this data is only an estimate and there is no guarantee that a specific bid amount will earn you a certain position.
  5. Choose No Expiration or select a Budget. If you want your bid to expire, indicate the maximum budget you would like to spend to feature your listing.
  6. Set up a greeting for customers who browse Featured Listings through Keen’s toll-free number 1-800-ASK-KEEN. Please note, if you do not record a greeting for your listing it will not be featured over the phone. For instructions on how to record your user name and greeting view the Listing Greeting article. 

Advisors can feature as many of their listings as they want and for different bid amounts. Unique bids must be created for each listing you want to feature. Repeat the steps above to boost additional listings. Please note, listings can only be featured when an advisor is online and available to take Calls and/or Chats. 


Cost to feature a listing

The cost to feature a listing is up to the individual advisor and what they are willing to pay for a click. The minimum amount for an active bid is $0.20 per charged click. The maximum amount for an active bid is $200.00 per charged click. 

Each advisor will have a different cost to be featured at a higher position based on how many other listings they will need to skip ahead of to be visible at a desired rank within the Featured Advisors sort of the listing’s category.

The cost for a higher position within the sort is based on a combination of the bid amount selected and the listing’s Listing Quality Score. Advisors pay a click fee each time a qualified customer clicks to view their listing from the Featured Advisors sort. 

The cost to feature a listing at a higher position within a category fluctuates based on the following factors:

  • The current placement of your listing on Best Available, determined by its Listing Quality Score (LQS)
  • The amount you choose to bid (i.e. the amount you agree to pay per click)
  • The amount and quality of advisors online and available at the same time as you

When your Featured Listing receives a charged click, our auto-bidding feature will charge you the lowest possible amount for that click. The lowest possible amount is one penny more than what is required to rank your listing higher than the listing below yours at the time of the click. This amount will never be more than your maximum bid amount.


How clicks are counted 

A click is charged when a qualified customer clicks on one of your Featured Listings from the Featured Advisors sort. The click fee is charged even when a customer does not initiate a conversation with you. If a customer clicks on your listing from a different sort, even if that listing is actively being featured in the Featured Advisors sort, you will not be charged. See below for detailed rules about clicks. 

A click is charged when:

  • A customer with valid payment information (e.g. credit card or debit card) clicks on your Featured Listing when you are available to take a call or chat.
  • A user clicks on your Featured Listing when you are available to take a call or chat, and subsequently adds valid payment information to their account within 24-hours of clicking on your Featured Listing; if you have more than one Featured Listing, you may be charged for an eligible click on each one in a 24-hour period.
  • A customer with valid payment information (e.g. credit card or debit card) listens to your Featured Listing's voice greeting when using the Browse Greetings option over the phone.
  • A customer with valid payment information enters the extension of your listing after dialing a promotional 800 number that has been advertised to new customers.

A click is NOT charged when:

  • A customer clicks on your listing from a different sort option other than Featured Advisors.
  • A new customer uses an introductory promotional offer with you after clicking your Featured Listing.
  • A customer clicks on your listing when you are unavailable.
  • The same customer clicks your Featured Listing more than once in a 24-hour period; you will not be charged more than once for these clicks. Please note this limit applies per Featured Listing, so if a member clicks on more than one of your active Featured Listings in different categories in a 24-hour period, the first click on each listing will be charged. 
  • An unregistered web visitor clicks on your Featured Listing when you are available but does not register with valid payment information within 24 hours of clicking on your Featured Listing.
  • You click on your own listing.
  • Other advisors click on your listing, but do not make a paid transaction with you. 
  • Customers who have paid transactions with you within the last 30-days click on your Featured Listing.
  • A customer enters the extension of your listing after dialing the main phone number for Keen, 1-800-ASK-KEEN.
  • An employee of Keen clicks on your listing.


How a Featured Listing expires

Featured Listings expire when any of the following are found within our system as it relates to your specific listing bids:

  • Budget reached – When you set your maximum bid amount, you have the option to set a limit on the total amount to spend to feature your listing. This is your bid expiration or budget amount. Your Featured Listing bid expires once you reach the budget that you set. To create a new bid and budget, enter a new maximum bid for that listing. This will create a new Bid ID for tracking purposes.
  • Insufficient funds – You don't have enough money in your account to pay for a click. Deposit more money into your account to reactivate bidding on a listing. 
  • Low conversion - A Featured Listing bid automatically expires when it generates an unusually high number of clicks relative to paid transactions from those clicks. This helps you limit highly inefficient spending to feature your listings. If your bid expires for this reason, you will receive an email letting you know how to reactivate bidding. 


Find a listing’s current position

To quickly view the current position of your listing, go to your My Keen page and scroll to My Listings to view each listing's statistics at a glance. You will see the current position as a line item indicating the placement of your listing within the specific category that the listing is in under the Featured Advisors sort. 

Bidding placement estimates and current position are based on the category the listing is in and not the general Psychic Readings category. The general Psychic Readings category that customers land on when visiting the website includes all listings, regardless of category. 

For example, if you select to feature your listing in the Love and Relationships category, you are bidding to move up to a specific position within that category. Your listing will still move up spots in the general Psychic Readings category, but the current position of a listing stated on your My Keen page indicates the position of that listing within the category page under Featured Advisors only. 

To view your current position in both Psychic Readings and the category of your listing, go to Featured Listings Results and select Quality Score. Under Listing Category and Position you can see the two different placements of your listing. Keep in mind that these numbers can change quickly as bids and availability of competitive listings change.

To check your current position live:

  • Select the category page of the listing you are featuring from the top navigation bar under Advisors. Smaller categories are viewable from selecting All Categories. 
  • The default sort that should appear is Featured Advisors. Double check you are on the correct sort in the dropdown menu. 
  • Look for your listing. Listing positions can move quickly so we recommend keeping the tab open that displays your current position on My Keen and refreshing when you find your listing in the sort within a different tab.

If viewing Keen from an incognito browser window (i.e. not logged into a Keen account): 

  • Select the category page of the listing you are featuring from the top navigation bar under Advisors. Smaller categories are viewable from selecting All Categories. 
  • Since the default sort shown for new customers is Best Available, update the sort from the dropdown menu to Featured Advisors.
  • Select Filters and scroll to ‘Only Show Advisors With Offers’ and select No. Select Show # Advisors and close the window. New customers come to Keen with promotional offers automatically so your current position will be different when only advisors who are opted into promotions are selected from the filter. 


Manage active Featured Listings

Once you've placed your bid, you can easily monitor and manage your Featured Listings. Go to Featured Listing Results directly to view results and transactions related to your Featured Listings. 

On the My Keen page in the My Listings section:

  • Select Bid Now to place a new bid for that listing or
  • Select Edit Listing to change a bid you've already placed on a specific listing
  • Select Featured Listing Results to view your Featured Listings report and check on performance
  • Select Feature My Listings and select a listing to change or cancel an existing bid

On the My Keen page from the Marketing Center:

  • Select Featured Listings Basics to view the Featured Listings Tutorial for an overview of the program
  • Select Feature My Listings to select a listing to change or cancel an existing bid 
  • Select Featured Listings Results to view your Featured Listings report and check on performance

Still have a question? Contact us!

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