
You'll be notified when you receive an incoming call or chat via push notifications and sound alerts regardless of whether you're actively in the app or not. See below for the iOS and Android experiences for answering your customers based on your mobile device. 


Answering Incoming Calls

When you have a call come in from a customer, you will answer the phone in the same way you do for regular calls to your mobile device. 


iOS 14 and newer - Answering Incoming Chats 

Device is Unlocked

1. If a chat comes in when your device is unlocked, tap on the ‘Accept’ button. This will launch the chat screen inside the Advisor app


2. After you click the blue button to accept the chat, you will see the following screen briefly while the chat connects:


3. Then it will go to the incoming chat monitor. Tap on the ‘Begin Chat’ button to start the chat:


4. Then it will go through to the chat as usual:




Device is Locked

1. If a chat arrives while your device is locked, you will see a screen like the one below. Swipe on the ‘Slide to answer’ slider to accept the chat or tap twice the phone’s power button to decline the chat:


2. After answering the chat, the screen will appear as seen below, and you’ll need to proceed from it to Advisor’s chat screen. Tap the ‘Advisor’ button.

Once you’ve tapped on the icon, you’ll be prompted to unlock your screen in whichever locking method you’ve implemented on your device — Face ID, Touch ID, or Passcode. If you have a device with Touch ID, you’ll need to scan your fingerprint, and if you’re only using a numeric passcode, you’ll be prompted to enter it.


3. After you unlocked your screen, you will see the following screen briefly during the chat loadings:


4. Then it will go to the incoming chat monitor. Tap on the ‘Begin Chat’ button to start the chat:


5. Then it will go through to the chat as usual:




iOS 13 and older - Answering Incoming Chats 

Device is Unlocked

1. If a chat comes in when your device is unlocked, tap on the ‘Accept’ button. This will launch the chat screen inside the Advisor app:


2. After you click the blue button to accept the chat, you will see the following screen briefly while the chat connects:


3. Then it will go to the incoming chat monitor. Tap on the ‘Begin Chat’ button to start the chat:


4. Then it will go through to the chat as usual:




Device is Locked

1.  If a chat arrives while your device is locked, you will see a screen like the one below. Swipe on the ‘Slide to answer’ slider to accept the chat or tap twice the phone’s power button to decline the chat:


2. After answering the chat, the screen will appear as seen below, and you’ll need to proceed from it to Advisor’s chat screen. Tap the ‘Advisor’ button.

Once you’ve tapped on the icon, you’ll be prompted to unlock your screen in whichever locking method you’ve implemented on your device — Face ID, Touch ID, or Passcode. If you have a device with Touch ID, you’ll need to scan your fingerprint, and if you’re only using a numeric passcode, you’ll be prompted to enter it.


3. After you unlocked your screen, you will see the following screen briefly during the chat loadings:


4. Then it will go to the incoming chat monitor. Tap on the ‘Begin Chat’ button to start the chat


5. Then it will go through to the chat as usual:




Android - Answering Incoming Chats 

Device is Unlocked

1. If a chat comes in when your device is unlocked, tap on the notification message. This will launch the incoming chat monitor inside the Advisor app:


2. After you click on the notification message, you will briefly see the following screen while the incoming chat monitor load:


3. Then it will go to the incoming chat monitor. Tap on the ‘Accept’ button to start the chat:


4. After you click the ‘Accept’ button, you will see the chat and will be able to start the conversation:



Device is Locked

1. If a chat arrives while your device is locked, you will briefly see the following screen while the incoming chat monitor load:


2. Then it will go to the incoming chat monitor. Tap on the ‘Accept’ button to start the chat:


3. After you click the ‘Accept’ button, you will see the chat and will be able to start the conversation:


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