Frequently Asked Questions about Video Psychic Parties

We recommend that you use the Google Chrome browser for the best Video experience.

How do I connect with customers?

Your Video Call session will be available to start via your Arranged Conversations page.

How long are the sessions?

Psychic Party sessions are 1-hour long. This duration is standard for all party bookings and provides ample time to connect with each participant and deliver your insights. Sessions must be booked at least 48 hours in advance.

How does Psychic Party session pricing work?

  • $250 - $500 for 1-hour regular sessions, the session rate is set by each Advisor.
  • $6 for 60 min (1 hour) platform fee will be deducted from Advisor earnings along with Keen's Commission rate of 54%.
  • The customer will also be charged a session rate per session.

Should I create a schedule?

To host Psychic Parties, you must set your Schedule and Availability so customers can request to book appointments. Learn more about managing Schedules and Availability.

How do I accept an appointment request for a session?

You can find session appointment requests from customers on the Arranged Conversions

How can I prepare for my customer session?

The host of the party will be asked to fill out a pre-party form to provide information about their party and the experience they are looking for. This form will allow you to prepare and evaluate if this party will be a good fit for your style. Once booked, you can consult with the customer before start of the party via Keen mail.

How do I connect with a session?

Video sessions will be displayed on your Arranged Conversations page. You can join the Video call and prepare for the session up to 5 minutes before the scheduled start time.

If I join a Video Call 5 minutes early, can I leave and come back at the start time?

If the video call is joined within 5 minutes of the scheduled time, we encourage you to wait until the session starts. You will not be able to rejoin the session if you leave this page.

What happens if my customer doesn't show up?

Cancellation and rescheduling must occur at least 2 hours before the start of a session. No-shows will result in a full session charge. Advisors will receive expected earnings from no-shows.

How will I be paid?

The user’s payment method will be added when they book their session. The customer's saved payment method will be charged at the start of the session. Advisors will be paid based on their method of payout (Check, Semi-Monthly Direct Deposit, or Express Pay) and will follow the same payment options available to Advisors. Learn more about Advisor Payments.

Can a customer send me a bonus?

Yes, customers can send you a bonus after their session if you have chosen to receive bonuses on your listing. To enable bonuses, please edit your listing and select "Yes, I want clients to be able to send me bonuses."

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