Taking Video Calls for Intimacy Coaching

We recommend that you use the Google Chrome browser for the best Video experience.

Before your session

Your Video Call session will be available to start via your Arranged Conversations page. The Join Call button will gray until 5 minutes before the starting time when it will turn Green. 

Joining your session

You may join your video call session 5 minutes before the starting time by clicking Join Call.

5 minutes before the appointment starts:

5 min before appointment Time.png


Please provide a 5-minute grace period to ensure your customer joins your session. They may be updating their payment method. 

You will receive a message if the other party hasn't yet joined:

Other Party Hasn't Joined.png


Live call:

Live Call.png


At the Coach's discretion, you may have a grace period of up to 15 minutes after the scheduled ending of the session to wrap up the conversation. The session will end for both parties once the 15-minute mark has passed.

Wrapping up the conversation:

Wrap up converation snackbar.png

After the call ends:


Desktop - End Screen.png

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