Frequently Asked Questions from Intimacy Coaches

How do I connect with customers?

Customers will book available sessions with a Coach on via

How long are the sessions?

New to you customers can request a 30-minute introduction session and returning customers can book 1-hour sessions. Sessions can be booked 3 weeks out and up to 24 hours in advance.

How does Intimacy Coaching session pricing work?

  • 30-minute introductory sessions are $25 
  • $100 - $400 for 1-hour regular sessions, the session rate will be set by each Coach.

  • $3 for 30min & $6 for 60 min (1 hour) platform fee will be deducted from Coach earnings along with Keen's Commision rate of 54%.
  • A session rate will also be charged per session to the customer after the introductory session.

Should I create a schedule?

As an Intimacy Coach, you will need to set your Schedule and Availability so that customers can request to book appointments. Learn more about managing Schedules and Availability.

How do I accept a session appointment request?

Appointment requests from customers are located under the Arranged Conversions

How can I prepare for my customer session?

First-time customers will be asked to fill out a pre-session form to provide information about their goals and previous experience with Intimacy Coaching. This form will allow you to prepare and evaluate if this customer will be a good fit with your style.

How do I connect with a session?

Phone calls will trigger at the time of the appointment, please ensure you are ready to receive the call. Video sessions will be displayed on your Arranged Conversations page. Five minutes before the start time, you will be able to join the Video call and prepare for the session. 

If I join a Video Call 5 minutes early can I leave and come back at the start time?

If the video call is joined within 5 minutes of the scheduled time, we encourage you to wait until the session starts. You will not be able to rejoin the session if you leave this page.

What happens if my customer doesn't show up?

Cancellation and rescheduling must occur at least 2 hours before the start of a session. No shows will result in a full session charge. Coaches will receive expected earnings from no-shows.

How will I be paid?

The payment method will be captured during the session booking. The customer's saved payment method will be charged at the start of the session. Coaches will be paid based on their chosen method and will follow the same payment options available to Advisors.

Can a customer send me a bonus?

Yes, customers can send you a bonus after their session if you have chosen to receive bonuses on your listing. To enable bonuses, please edit your listing and select "Yes, I want clients to be able to send me bonuses."

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